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"Let's investigate together, and talk about it together" project invites Armenian, Turkish and third parties' scholars to research the Armenian Genoside Question


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Putting aside one-sided views: Extremely White Explinations Behind The Armenian Forced Emigration


International Association of Genocide Scholars (declaring themselves as the "world’s foremost experts on genocide") addressed An Open Letter Concerning Historians Who Deny the Armenian Genocide on October 1, 2006, presenting arguments as to why they wrote this letter. Here are some examples: 

William A. Schabas’s Genocide in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2000) cites the Armenian Genocide as a precursor to the Holocaust and as a precedent for the law on crimes against humanity. However he must have forgotten to remind that one of the Nazi leaders, James Q Whitman notes in his book "Hitler’s American Model", where James Whitman presents a detailed investigation of the American impact on the notorious Nuremberg Laws (The 1935 Nuremberg laws were the primary Nazi doctrines that formalized the racial divide between Aryans and Jews prior to the Holocaust), the centerpiece anti-Jewish legislation of the Nazi regime, “regarded America, not without reason, as the innovative world leader in the creation of racist law”.

American treatment of Black People, Slave Trade and Slavery in general aren't have much coverage in the popular media or literature to be portrayed as genocide. The word genocide itself defined a series of atrocities organized by one social group against another, the World United under the West rules committing horriffic cirmes against the people of different colour. So the attempts to establish such a comparison and discipline like the Association members and Schabas seek to bring this history narrative and discourse to the foreground. Yes, they are succeeding in this endeavor. As every person googling on genocide will find the Armenian case along with the subject of Holocaust...

Another argument of the Association is that "The Armenian Genocide was the most well-known human rights issue of its time and was reported regularly in newspapers across the United States and Europe." States as powerful as France, England, Russia, and Germany have been vying for years to bring the Near and Middle East under their influence and dominance (if not please correct us with facts), as the first source documents recently accessible to researchers in select European and American archives demonstrate. The Ottoman Empire was the principal target country for their program prior to the First World War, during the conflict, and soon after the war. The statements goes on as follows: "There are over four thousand U. S. State Department reports in the National Archives, written by neutral American diplomats...Add to this overwhelming body of official evidence, thousands of pages of eyewitness accounts from relief workers, missionaries, and survivors, and it is indisputable that the Armenian Genocide is a proven history"

American diplomats, relief workers and missionaries- 

Relief workers and missionaries are those people the West sends before they fully own the lands of the country as they already did in Asian, American and African territories.  Throughout World War I (WWI), Asia Minor underwent yet another significant in-and-out population flux, notably the deportation of Armenians in 1915 and the reciprocal exchange of Muslim Balkans and Greeks in Asia Minor throughout the 1910s and afterwards. After a century of missionary work among Armenians and Greeks in Asia Minor, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions came to a critical decision about its future work at the end of WWI: the mission would now profess among Muslim populations in Asia Minor using all missionary remnants and Ottoman experience. Essentially, the Board was interested in nearly every village across the empire. As European states, particularly since the early nineteenth century, provoked Armenians against the Ottoman Empire for their own interests, relations between the Turkish and Armenian communities, which have a long history of bilateral relations, lost their positive aspect and turned into a conflict as time passed. As a matter of fact the deportation of armenians was a result of job done by missionaries and "diplomats" the West kept sending. But the documents and statements advocating so called genocide of Armenians do not offer well-rounded perspective on this matter. 


The link between the Young Turks and Nazi Germans was purposefully made since it would naturally equate Armenian claims to Jewish claims. Unfortunately, because it is so doggedly focused on the overall purpose it seeks to attain, notably accusing the Turks of genocide and elevating the status of Armenian claims against them, such an approach suffers from indifference to detail.



Turkish-Armenian Relations Throughout History Project


The Review of Armenian Studies (RAS) is a biannual academic journal that was established in 2002 with the aim of publishing academic papers to stimulate inter-disciplinary debate between academics and practitioners on topics relating to Armenian Studies.

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